The Club and its operation and maintenance relies partly on membership dues.

The dues help underwrite the cost of court maintenance (mowing, irrigation, fertilization, spraying) as well as operations and maintenance and cost of the clubhouse. All staff of this club is voluntary, but fixed operating budgets rely on outside funding.

The annual fees are as follows:


$225.00 per year for local members

$150.00 per year members greater than 50 miles from clubhouse


$400.00 per year for local members

$295.00 per year members greater than 50 miles from clubhouse


$700.00 per year for local members

Pro rating of membership dues will occur 1 (one) time for each status, but payment will become due after 4 (four) FREE visits or court activity referencing June 1" as the Anniversary date.

Contact Adam Lassiter for any questions or needed information referencing payment method or explanation.


Payment Methods: Checks or PayPal

Club Members

Our Members
1 Rodney Lassiter
2 Adam Lassiter
3 Randy Lassiter
4 Josh Lassiter
5 John Lassiter
6 Scott Winslow
7 Hilary Lassiter
8 Debra Boyce
9 Janet Mullen
10 Tom Mullen
11 Jennifer Falchi
12 Marie Haas
13 Zach Winslow
14 R.J. Lassiter
15 Mike Hewitt
Our Members
16 Richard Rendleman
17 Nancy Rendleman
18 Walt Janitz
19 Sandy Janitz
20 Kathy Killmon
21 James Hughes
22 Ralph Hollowell
23 Lisa Hollowell
24 Joshua Hollowell
25 Jacob Hollowell
26 George Erikson
27 Sue Erikson
28 Blaine Charac
29 Cecil Creasey
30 Susan Creasey
31 Steve Thurston
Our Members
32 Sarah Persons
33 Bob Natole
34 Tom Briggum
35 Bill Bogue
36 Robert Lankford
37 Sherry Lankford
38 Becky Mclawhorn
39 Tess Chick
40 Jose' Benjumea
41 Lisa Maloney
42 Wayne Maloney
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